Choosing the best industrial powder coating equipment

Powder coating is in high demand to achieve a durable finish. Thanks to technology and innovation, the options for industrial powder coating equipment are endless. However, this makes the task of choosing a quality option a little complex. Don't feel overwhelmed by the vast availability of options and read this article all the way through to choose the best industrial powder coating equipment.


Features of high-quality powder coating equipment

Applications: Before spending hard-earned money on equipment, it is important to consider the feasibility of the equipment. Will you be able to cover the costs by investing in the equipment or will powder coating services on the market be a better option? If the applications offer full financial benefits, you may want to look for powder coating equipment, otherwise, it is best to leave the coating job to a professional.

 Performance specifications: Next are the aspects that determine the value-for-money performance of the equipment. Look for guns that offer 100KV performance and ensure a uniform powder flow.

Cost-effectiveness: It is not advisable to think only of the initial cost. You must consider the additional cost of maintenance, spare parts and overall ownership. In addition, the equipment must be easy to use, otherwise, the cost of training will also add to the final cost of the equipment.


Things to keep in mind when purchasing a powder coating equipment


Selecting the best industrial powder coating equipment is overwhelming, but to make an informed decision, the following factors can be of great help:

Surface preparation: Before powder coating, you will need a dedicated area for sandblasting or washing. Depending on your budget and applications, you can choose the preparation options.

Drying: In addition to pre-treatment, drying and pre-heating are also essential for the powder coating process. You have to choose between a drying oven or an additional oven.

Workflow: When purchasing industrial equipment, you need to consider the size and dimensions of the machine to ensure that there is sufficient working space in the workshop and that the workflow is optimal.

 Recommendations for the future: When investing in powder coating equipment, consider upgrade options, including the parts/cabinets you will need and the space they will occupy.


Closing Remarks

The attributes discussed in this article can help you invest in the best powder coating equipment for your business needs. If you need professional advice on industrial equipment, you can contact the experts at A-Gas Electronic materials. They specialise in a wide portfolio of products related to chemicals and industrial processes.


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