3 biggest misconceptions about the chemical industry

There are lots of misconceptions about the chemical industry, some that may put it in a negative light. From images showing danger, toxic, to raising slogans against the use of the chemicals calling them poisonous, chemical industry has had to bear the brunt of it all. But is this the only truth that prevails or are these the myths that need to be busted? Unless you’re working in the industry, or studying chemical engineering, then you’re probably don’t hear much about the benefits of chemicals. The truth is that our lives revolve around numerous chemical reactions and leading a chemical-free life is out of the question.  What makes more sense is to either change the composition of the chemicals or find out some alternatives that can work as replacements to the existing structures. Thus, it is important to understand the misconceptions about the chemical industry which have been doing the rounds and gathering attention for all the wrong reasons:

Chemical industry is synonymous with the “BAD GUY”

Let’s get this straightened out; the chemical industry is not fuelled by the greed to earn profits with complete disregard towards the environment and life. Had there been no chemicals, you wouldn’t have got fertilizers, advanced medicines for treatment of serious illnesses or clean water to drink.

Man-made chemicals are dangerous

In the chemical industry, words like synthetics, man-made or artificial are not equivalent to bad. Whether the chemical has been extracted directly from nature or it is man-made, it doesn’t tell much about its properties until and unless it is studied. So why call anything dangerous if you have no idea about what exactly it is.

Chemicals cause life-threatening diseases

We live in a bubble where we accept all that we read on the public forum instead of delving deep into the subject and finding the reality. Since the exact correlations between the cause and effect are not shown in good light, people assume that chemicals are the culprits behind various diseases without realising that it is the people working in chemical industries who try to find solutions for the problems.

If you still have any doubts, then log on to www.agasem.com and all your misconceptions regarding the chemical industry will be busted.



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